The Baby Lark Germanium Crystal Radio

I bought a new Crystal Radio. This one is unique; because when I built Crystal Radios, I used to buy Radio Shack grab bags that had electronic parts, and I added a 50 pF Capacitor at the front of the antenna input that made the crystal radio I had louder. Then, I read on the computer that some antique crystal radios not only put a .02 pF Mica Capacitor at the end where the earphone output is, that makes the electrons move faster so the radio stations are louder; but a Mica Capacitor is sometimes used at the antenna input, to make the wave length wider so the crystal radio can better pick up radio stations. The Baby Lark Germanium Crystal Radio is built that way that was made in Japan; by D.D.K. Company, in the early 60's.

This crystal radio is picking up more radio stations than other crystal radios, that are it's size. It also uses a resistor between the earphone output; and another one that goes between the Ground and earphone terminal to help separate the different flowing electrons.

There is both a Antenna terminal and Ground terminal on this crystal radio. Using a long antenna and a ground, the Baby Lark Crystal Radio received 7 different radio stations that were easy to tune in; but, 3 of the radio stations were close together or over another radio station.

Crystal Radio -

Color Codes for Capacitors -

How A Crystal Radio Works for Beginners -

ClearaTuner Crystal Radio Signal Booster

The Crystal Radio 1 Transistor Amplifier

The 2 Transistor Radio Kit

Early Simple Crystal Radio Coils

Antenna Tuner and Crystal Radio Set