The Arkiola Crystal Radio

The unique Arkiola crystal radio uses has a Course tuner knob on the left, that turns the Litz tuner coil around to the setting positions on the multi lead wires on different parts of the Litz coils 18 terminal taps. Then, the Fine tuner knob on the right, tunes in the frequencies; that has a variable capacitor, with condensers, a crystal diode, and a resister in its circuit, and then it connects to the brass terminals for the earphone.

This uses copper stripping instead of regular coated wire; called strip connectors. This crystal radio tunes 400 khz to 1400 khz. But, you cannot hear AM radio station above 1400 khz, with this unit.

The Arkiola Crystal Radioa has a 4" rotary shaft; that is used so the coil can rotate. It uses a split capacitor, that is used to fine tune the radio stations; better. The Arkiola Crystal Radio is a modern version of the antique crystal radio; and was made in the Ozarks, USA.

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